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Brisk walks may slow down brain ageing

Published on 18 February 2014 02:30 PM

Older people should take a brisk walk three times a week to help reduce the effects of the brain's natural ageing, a...

Experts reject ageist drug policy

Published on 17 February 2014 02:30 PM

Older people would be disadvantaged by proposals to assess how a patient contributes to the economy before deciding...

Consumers warned on annuity deals

Published on 14 February 2014 03:30 PM

Consumers have been urged to shop around in order to make sure they get the best possible annuity deal for their...

'Malnutrition risk' over dementia

Published on 13 February 2014 02:00 PM

More must be done to prevent malnutrition among people with dementia, health experts have warned. Research suggests...


Last updated: Dec 05 2018

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