Help for Ukrainian nationals in the UK
If you're a Ukrainian national arriving in the UK it's important to know your rights and what's available to you.

Money and benefits
You can access cash and certain benefits in the UK. What you can claim will depend on your age and circumstances. But if you're eligible, you can make a claim straight away.
In the UK, the State Pension age is currently 66 years old. This means that, if you're younger than this you need to make a claim for working age benefits, such as Universal Credit. If you and your partner are both over State Pension age, you can claim Pension Credit or other means-tested benefits such as Housing Benefit.
If you have a long-term health condition or a disability, you might be able to claim Attendance Allowance if you're over State Pension age or Personal Independence Payment if you're under State Pension age.
Usually, everyone making a claim is subject to the habitual residence test (HRT). However, all resettled Ukrainians are exempt from this test.
For benefits that are means-tested, your income and capital (your assets) are taken in to account. The capital should be valued to reflect the market value and it must be accessible to you as someone making a claim. So, if you do have capital but aren't able to access it or the market value of your assets has been affected, this should not be taken into account.

If you've left Ukraine and your immigration leave meets certain conditions, the usual rules on eligibility for social housing and homelessness won't apply to you.
This means you can get help with housing in a similar way to British citizens. However, in some areas, there may be a long wait for social housing.
There is also a scheme allowing UK residents with a spare room to provide temporary rent-free housing for Ukrainian nationals and their family members. You can find out more about this on the Government website.

Health services
Anyone that's entered the country lawfully has the same entitlements to NHS healthcare as UK residents. This includes free access to GP services, consultations with a nurse, hospital services, and emergency and urgent care. Your GP is the 'family doctor' and first point of contact when accessing health services.
All NHS service providers should offer an interpreter if language is a barrier to you being involved in your care.
Some NHS services, such as prescriptions and dental care, will be charged for – unless you're eligible for an exemption. Contact your local Age UK or call our advice line to find out if you're eligible.

Social care and support services
If you've arrived from Ukraine, you're entitled to the same support from your local council as anyone else.
If you require support with care needs, the first thing to do is ask your local council for a needs assessment. Your needs will be assessed to work out what support you require and how your needs will be met.
For more information about accessing care, see our care and support page.

Any abuse or neglect concerns that may be affecting you or someone you know should be raised with the local council.
If you're concerned someone's in immediate danger you should call the police by dialling 999.
For more information about getting help with abuse and neglect concerns see our Protection from abuse page.
Want more information?
The Government has produced a guide to help those arriving in the UK from Ukraine. You can read the guide on their website.
We're here to help
We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local Age UKs.