Your news, your stories, your later life
Discover the latest news and views on age and ageing – from analysis of what's hitting the headlines, to the big issues affecting older people.
Discover the latest news and views on age and ageing – from analysis of what's hitting the headlines, to the big issues affecting older people.
Our new Stories Manager, Phil Marsh, explains why peoples’ experiences remain central to the work of Age UK.
More than 1 million older people in the UK will feel lonely this Christmas, but this year Terrence won't be one of them.
Age UK Trafford are using dogs as part of their dementia support. And as our video shows, they're a popular addition.
Age UK Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and a local cafe are providing older people with access to furry friends.
Caroline Abrahams discusses our recent rally, and plans for the insights shared by older people at the event.
Postcards of Kindness encourages people to send postcards to residents in care homes. Here's why it's a lovely idea.