Your news, your stories, your later life
Discover the latest news and views on age and ageing – from analysis of what's hitting the headlines, to the big issues affecting older people.
Discover the latest news and views on age and ageing – from analysis of what's hitting the headlines, to the big issues affecting older people.
Age UK was at the Alzheimer's Show to offer advice and support, and discover innovations improving life with dementia.
A new study commissioned by Age UK confirms that 1 in 7 older people in the UK aren’t receiving the care they need.
Age UK had runners at the London Marathon 2019, raising money for older people with no one to turn to. Watch our video.
Actor Ricky Tomlinson backs Age UK's Switched Off campaign to save free TV for older people, and stars in our new video.
Caroline Abrahams shares her thoughts on Damian Green's report on the future of social care.
Do men and women’s experiences of loneliness in later life differ? A new research study suggests so.