The Disconnected Mind project
We fund a world-leading longitudinal multi-disciplinary study of cognitive ageing that aims to discover why and how our thinking skills change with age and what we can do to protect them.
As an authority on ageing and older people's issues, research is at the heart of all we do.
In-house, we carry out research on health, social, and economic issues of ageing; we undertake literature reviews; and we develop indices of different dimensions of ageing, for example the index of risk of loneliness. We also carry out evaluations of our services and have developed an evaluation guide and toolkit for others to use.
From time to time we commission specific research projects and evaluations out to third parties, often by competitive tender.
Furthermore, we support Age UK to be an authority on ageing by collecting, analysing, and synthesising research carried out by others, such as academics, government departments, and other organisations.
The evidence generated in these ways underpins Age UK's work, for example in influencing, campaigning, service development, and impact measurement. We also make much of this work freely available on our webpages in our reports, blogs, and other products.
View all of the latest reports, literature reviews and evaluations from Research.
We fund a world-leading longitudinal multi-disciplinary study of cognitive ageing that aims to discover why and how our thinking skills change with age and what we can do to protect them.
We’re a founding collaborator in the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH), an independent group of scientists, doctors, scholars and policy experts from around the world.
Sadly, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are experiencing very low staff capacity to continue our previous activities in supporting the research community. We will continue to honour partnerships we have already formed, but will not be able to support new projects at this time. Please continue to check this page from time to time for updates on our status.
If you would like to support Age UK’s work and help us continue being there for older people during this very challenging time, there's more information here.
If you are conducting research into ageing or planning an evaluation, you may want to take a look at our useful resources.
Read about Age UK's latest publicly available research and policy information in our monthly email.
By donating today, you could help us answer more calls to our advice line, campaign harder for older people’s rights and fair treatment and provide regular friendship calls to people who are desperately lonely.
For more information call the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 169 65 65 (8am-7pm, 365 days a year).