Care that's right for you
We understand that the care system isn't easy to navigate. Knowing where to start and what rights you have can feel daunting. But Age UK know what to do.
We understand that the care system isn't easy to navigate. Knowing where to start and what rights you have can feel daunting. But Age UK know what to do.
Our free, confidential, national phone service is open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year for older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals. Whatever the worry, we’re here to offer support.
There are 1.6 million older people that face each day without the care and support they need.
There are also so many carers that are trying to juggle the needs of the person they care for with their own, equally important needs.
Getting the right care and support is crucial. Find out what we can do to make sure older people and carers get the support they need.
When it comes to arranging your own care there are lots of things to think about. Last year, over 1.9 million people turned to our website to help them know what to do next.
Actually getting the care you need can feel like a challenge. Our information outlines how you can get things sorted.
Lots of people don't know where to start when it comes to paying for their care. We can help you think through your finances.
We know the care system doesn't always work as it should. We're there for you if you have problems with your care.
A case needs assessment from your local council is the first step to getting the care you need. Use the postcode checker on GOV.UK to get started.
It can be difficult to find time to look after your own needs if you're caring for someone. And who looks out for you if you're looking after someone else? That's where Age UK come in. We make sure we provide information and advice written specifically for those caring for a friend or relative.
Lots of people don't think of themselves as carers and so don't know what support they might be entitled to. But we can point you in the right direction.
If you're a carer, you might be entitled to some financial support you didn't know was available, which can make a real difference. We can help you claim it.
If you're worried about someone, we understand it can be a sensitive thing to bring up. But we're here to help you have that difficult conversation.
The care system isn't supporting people in the way it should be. We know that. Older people know that. Their families know that. We make sure, together, our voices are heard so the Government knows that, too.
We campaign tirelessly alongside older people and their families across the country to make sure the care crisis is taken seriously. We want to see much-needed change.
Age UK's Advice Line is open every single day of the year. For many, it's a lifeline.
Knowing what to do and where to turn if things go wrong or you need answers you can trust can be difficult. But our friendly advisers are just a phone call away. They can help you find, arrange and pay for the care that you need
In 2022, our advice line answered 28,656 calls about care and support from people that turned to Age UK.
Age UK. Know what to do.
I'm a carer for my sister who's got dementia... Caring's physically draining and emotionally affecting me. When I called Age UK, they were very supportive. I was reaching breaking point. I got the answers I wanted.
Our programmes work in local communities to help those with care needs and carers. Our programmes reach the people in our communities that often feel forgotten.
We know how rewarding caring for someone can be. We also know how difficult it can feel sometimes. We support carers who could do with a helping hand.
Some local Age UKs run local care services that help people in the community. This friendly and professional care can helps make daily tasks easier.