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Protecting the Triple Lock and stopping cuts to benefits

Older people campaigning (small version)

It is a huge relief to see Labour has committed to keeping the Triple Lock on the State Pension in their manifesto, meaning it will rise each year in line with inflation, average earnings, or by 2.5% – whichever is higher. 

With so many older people frightened about how they’ll afford their food and energy bills this winter and beyond, the Government’s announcement is very welcome.  

Why this is important

If Labour hadn’t committed to keeping the Triple Lock in its manifesto, there would have effectively been a cut to the State Pension and benefits which millions of older people rely on for their income. At a time when we know many are struggling to afford to eat, warm their homes, and even pay for medicine and care, these cuts would have been devastating

We'll keep campaigning

We welcome the commitment by Labour to keeping the Triple Lock in their manifesto as we continue our work to influence on a range of other issues that matter to older people.

Even with the Triple Lock being honoured in full, some older people on low fixed incomes will still find life extremely tough, especially those whose incomes take them just above the line for extra financial help.  

Older people should be confident that they will be protected from rising costs. We hope that you will join with us to campaign for the Triple Lock and ensure all older people have enough money.   

We're calling on the Government

We're calling on the Government to:

  • Make no further rises in State Pension age unless life expectancy is increasing, inequalities are reducing, and a system of financial support is in place for those who find it difficult or impossible to work up until their State Pension age, for reasons such as ill health and caring responsibilities.
  • Ensure benefits are sufficient to cover essential costs for all groups and are increased annually at least in line with rising prices. 

For more information check out Age UK's blueprint

Need some extra support and guidance?

With food and energy bills rising, many of us could do with some extra help. We have information on what financial support you could be entitled to, as well as tips on how to keep your home warm and advice on staying well in winter.

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Last updated: Jul 29 2024

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