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Campaigning for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing

Older people need a stronger voice in decisions that affect them

England needs a stronger voice for older people – Age UK is campaigning for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing.

Age UK is calling for the Government to establish a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing for England. This Commissioner would act as an independent champion to give older people a stronger voice and ensure they’re considered in decisions made right across Government.

What is the role of the Commissioner for Older People and Ageing?

Issues affecting older people span a whole range of topics – from the long wait for social care to the State Pension triple lock. But at the moment there's no individual or Government strategy to look at these in the round. For as long as this is the case, the big issues for older people risk being overlooked by decision-makers. It's high time this changes. A Commissioner would be a cheerleader for the positive contribution older people make and challenge assumptions and ageist attitudes toward older people. 

Older people in Northern Ireland and Wales already have an Older People’s Commissioner working to protect their rights, listen to diverse older voices and make sure no one is left behind.

Older People in England want this too – 9 in 10 people aged 65+ in England support the introduction of a Commissioner.

Age UK is working with other organisations to persuade the Government and all political parties to legislate for a Commissioner for Older People in England. We’ve signed up to a statement of support, along with over 70 other organisations.

Consensus statement (Commissioner for Older People and Ageing) pdf.png

Why is Age UK calling for a Commissioner?

Our society is ageing, and policymaking has been slow to adapt to this demographic shift. In less than 20 years, 1 in 4 of us will be over 65. But too often the needs of our ageing population that require collaboration and joined-up thinking are ignored. We want to see a Commissioner to hold the Government to account for delivering on a strategy that meets the needs of the future.

Why this is so important

We need the government to be aware that we're as important as the rest of the nation. We need a representative to stand up for the rights of the elderly and to highlight the plights that have been neglected for so long.


Older people in Britain have contributed massively to the economy all their lives, but now we're no longer earning we seem to have been thrown on the scrap heap, and no one takes any note of our massive contribution. So, I fully support the campaign, as we need a 'voice'.


It may seem exaggerated, but many older people feel neglected and isolated by the government's lack of understanding of their issues.


I firmly believe it's high time that England emulated Northern Ireland and Wales in having a Commissioner for Older People. In less than 20 years we will be 25% of the population – a major voting constituent that should not have to rely on charities like Age UK to put its case to governments.


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Last updated: Apr 24 2024

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