Twice Lucky Draw
The following terms and conditions apply to the
Age UK Weekly Lottery Twice Lucky Draw
- The Age UK Weekly Lottery Twice Lucky Draw is promoted by Age UK (charity number 1128267, company number 06825798) (the “Promoter”)
- The closing date for the Twice Lucky Draw will be 14 days after the first qualifying response to this promotion is received.
- Qualifying responses will comprise of a fully completed application to join the Age UK Weekly Lottery, using an Application Form which includes the pre-printed Promo Code for this promotion.
- The Twice Lucky Draw will take place 5 working days after the closing date.
- The draw will be made utilising a random number generator that has been tested and approved by an independent third-party test house.
- 150 lucky winners will have the number of Age UK Weekly Lottery entries applied for as part of this promotion doubled in the next available Age UK Weekly Lottery Superdraw.
- There are no alternatives to the Age UK Weekly Lottery Superdraw entries awarded.
- No liability is accepted for the loss, theft or delayed receipt of any communication.
- Further Twice Lucky Draw details, can be obtained by telephoning the Age UK Weekly Lottery helpline on 0800 849 8198 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays).
- The Promoter reserves the right to use Twice Lucky Draw winners’ names for promotional purposes. These will only be utilised in summary, e.g. Mrs Smith from Surrey.
- The Promoter may (without giving any reason or notice) decline to accept an application or terminate or suspend the scheme.
- The Promoter’s decisions made pursuant to these terms and conditions shall, once made, be final and binding.

We're here to help
If you have any questions about the lottery, we'd be very happy to help. Call us on 0800 849 6070 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays) or email us on