Our spokespeople have a diverse and comprehensive knowledge of issues that affect older people in the UK and around the world.
To arrange an interview or to find out more about our spokespeople, please contact the Age UK media team on 020 3033 1430 during office hours (Mon-Fri 08:30-17:30) or for out-of-hours media support please email media@ageuk.org.uk

Caroline Abrahams – Charity Director
Caroline oversees Age UK’s influencing work and positioning, covering policy and research, public affairs and campaigns, engagement with older people, media and PR and (charity) content and brand. She is also the charity’s lead spokesperson. Before joining Age UK she worked in the voluntary sector, as a senior civil service and policy advisor, and for the Local Government Association. A former chair of the End Child Poverty campaign Caroline is particularly interested in the future of health and social care and tackling poverty and inequality.

Ruthe Isden – Head of Health Influencing
Ruthe leads Age UK’s external advocacy work on health and social care for older people. Ruthe’s policy interests include health and social care integration, public service reform in the context of an ageing population and improving patient experience.

Christopher Brooks – Head of Policy
Chris leads Age UK’s policy team, whose work covers a range of issues, including consumer affairs, benefits, housing and equalities. He has a particular personal interest in financial services and employment. Day to day, this involves representing the interests of consumers and older people to government, regulators and industry.
For more information
Contact the Age UK Media team on 020 3033 1430 during office hours (Mon-Fri 08:30-17:30) or for out-of-hours media support please email media@ageuk.org.uk.