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Age UK responds to the Government's Fuller Working Lives Strategy

Published on 02 February 2017 02:30 PM


Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said:

'We welcome the Government's continued focus on helping older workers to stay in work, which with State Pension age rising has never been more important. There's a burning need to prevent people falling out of work in their 50s and early 60s so we're pleased the Government is proposing firm action.

'While we've come a long way over the past few years in terms of improving employer attitudes, there's still a lot of ageism in the workplace and much more needs to be done to create a level playing field for all older workers - and not just those in better paid jobs. For example, Age UK wants to see more done to boost the numbers of older workers who get access to training, since in a rapidly changing economy they need the skills for the new jobs that are being created.

'Post Brexit, our national prosperity will depend to a significant degree on our capacity to support older workers to continue to be productive, in jobs they value and in which they are able to thrive. So this Fuller Working Lives Strategy is more important than ever before and we look forward to working with the Government to bring it to life.'



  • Anne-Marie Doohan (nee Devaney),Senior Media Officer
  • t. 020 3033 1444
  • e.

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