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Over 50s say music is their favourite sound

Published on 20 August 2013 01:00 PM

Over half of people aged 50 or over say music is their favourite sound, according to a poll commissioned by Age UK Hearing Aids, which also finds that 34% dislike the sound of loud music, making it the second most irritating sound.


The figures mark the launch of Age UK Hearing Aids, a new service to help make life better for older people with hearing difficulties by providing a complete hearing care service, which guides people through the entire process from hearing tests, recommendations, products and free lifetime aftercare.

Women and men prefer different sounds

The poll finds that women and men prefer different sounds. The sounds that rank highest among women include laughter (55%), a baby's giggle (46%) and crackling fire (28%), whilst men say waves lapping (35%) is their favourite sound.

Other sounds that appear on the list include the sound of sizzling food, the pitter-patter of raindrops, a cheering crowd and the words ‘I love you'.

According to the poll, men and women are irritated by different sounds. Snoring ranks higher among women, with 35% finding the sound irritating compared to just 24% of men.

The irritating sounds that rank higher with men include the noise of neighbours (24%) and people talking in the cinema (28%).
Other irritating sounds that feature include the sound of a dentist's drill, finger nails on a blackboard, a noisy TV, knuckle crunching, construction work and noisy eaters.

Hearing difficulties can be devastating

The poll was conducted to raise the awareness of hearing care, particularly amongst people over the age of 50.

Hearing difficulties can have a devastating impact - in the worst cases leading to depression, social isolation and loneliness. These effects are often worse than expected and older people are disproportionately affected by hearing difficulties, so it's really important that the right help and support is available.

Helena King, Head of Affinity and Development at Age UK, commented: ‘Hearing care is a crucial issue for older people. Age UK Hearing Aids has been developed to help - with our team of qualified audiologists we work around the needs of our customers so getting your hearing checked couldn't be easier. We've teamed up with UK Hearing Care as they are leaders in the field and offer a service we are happy to work with.'

Mark Harwood, Group Managing Director for UK Hearing Care Ltd, said: ‘The ability to hear and enjoy the landscape of our world around us is so important. When our sense of hearing is working as it should, it gives us the power to communicate, feel, experience and connect with family, friends and others around us.

Harwood continued: 'There is no better feeling at UK Hearing Care than knowing we have helped someone experience better, clearer hearing assisting them to improve the quality of their lives and others around them.'

The Age UK Hearing Aids service

Age UK Hearing Aids responds directly to the needs of each individual, meaning that its team of fully qualified audiologists carry out free, no-obligation hearing assessments, either at home or at one of the high street facilities across the UK.

It will advise on all the solution choices available - whether it's a free hearing aid from the NHS or a bespoke option tailored to personal needs. Age UK Hearing Aids has a team on hand to support and advise over the phone and offer after sales care.

For more information about Age UK Hearing Aids or to book an appointment please call 0800 524 4708 or visit

Living Your Way

This research has been issued by Age UK as part of its 'Living Your Way' campaign.

The campaign aims to help give older people choice and control to stay independent for as long as possible through information, advice, practical services and specially designed products. The campaign runs through August and September.

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Last updated: Dec 05 2018

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