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Information for older trans people

Your experience of being trans can be influenced by different things, including how old you were when you transitioned, if you took medication as part of your transition and when that was. Whatever your experience, there's information and advice available to support you.

What does trans mean?

Trans describes people whose gender identity differs from their sex. It’s an umbrella term that embraces different identities, but this page focuses on trans people who have transitioned or are seeking to transition.

What does it mean to transition?

Transitioning is the process of making changes (whether medical or non-medical) to be recognised in your current gender identity. Transitioning can involve medical treatments, but you don't have to have medical treatment to live in your acquired gender.

Getting older when trans

If you’re an older trans person and you've been taking medication for some time, it's likely you'll have different health needs to someone starting medication more recently. If you sense, see or feel any unexpected changes in your body, seek medical advice as soon as you can.

It's a good idea to make sure you have a health check at least once a year too. Speak to the team providing your gender-based care if you have any concerns.

Transitioning in later life

The decision to transition is a personal one. You might feel like you're too old to transition – but transitioning can bring feelings of relief and self-acceptance at any age. Older people can transition and start living in their acquired gender.

If you’re thinking about medical interventions such as hormone therapy or surgery, it's important to get advice and support from a healthcare professional first. They'll be able to discuss the limits and potential impacts of these treatments with you.

If you’d like to know more, speak to your doctor, who can refer you to a Gender Identity Clinic. You might also like to speak to a trans advocacy organisation.

Find out more about getting referred to a Gender Identity Clinic

The Gender Recognition Act 2004 gives you the right to apply to be recognised in your acquired gender if you identify as a man or a woman. You'll receive a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) and a new birth certificate if you were born in the UK.

Anyone can change their name by deed poll or by a Statutory Declaration. Make sure you're clearly identified in your will if you use more than one name or have legally changed your name – it might be that you need a new will.

If you're named in someone else’s will by your former name, you'll need your GRC or other paperwork as evidence of your past identity.

Find out more about changing your name by deed poll on GOV.UK

Pension and benefits

If you have a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), you're treated as your acquired gender for all legal purposes. Getting a GRC can affect your:

  • National Insurance contributions
  • tax liability
  • entitlement to any benefits and State Pension that you or your spouse or civil partner may receive – either now or in the future.

You might want to seek advice from an independent financial advisor in advance of any legal change of gender. You can contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Gender Recognition Team for more information by:

Arranging care

If you're finding it more difficult to cope by yourself at home, there’s help available. Start by getting in touch with your local council to arrange a care needs assessment.

Find out more about care needs assessments

It’s important to discuss your specific needs with the service that provides your care because you might have complex requirements relating to gender reassignment or any associated treatment. For example, you might need to talk about medication, shaving or maintaining your hair or wig. Remember that care staff have a duty to promote your wellbeing and treat you with dignity and respect.

If you're assessed by your council as being eligible for help following your care needs assessment and your financial assessment, then you'll be given a personal budget to make sure your needs are met. You have the option to receive direct payments so you can arrange your own care services, rather than the council making the arrangements on your behalf. 

Find out more about direct payments

Housing and residential care

If you're thinking of moving into sheltered housing or a care home, it’s important to do plenty of research and visit the places you're considering. As with care services, consider your privacy needs and what you'll need for your mental and physical health. 

Find out more about housing options in later life

When planning for the future, you could write down clear instructions for what you'd like to happen if you lose mental capacity to make your own decisions – such as what clothes you like to wear and how you'd like to be addressed.

You might want to write an advance statement to set out how you'd like to be treated or think about creating a lasting power of attorney (LPA). 

Find out more about legal considerations when planning for the future

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We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local Age UKs.

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Last updated: Jun 03 2024

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