Winter wrapped up guide
This guide outlines how older people can prepare for the colder months, covering their health, their money and their home.
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Why do we value old objects over old people? Age UK is here to change how we age. Make change happen
Here's how, with your support, Age UK is supporting older people through the cost of living crisis.
Winter can be a difficult time of year, especially for older people, but Age UK can help. On this page, we've brought together our winter-related information and advice – tailored to you as a professional.
This guide outlines how older people can prepare for the colder months, covering their health, their money and their home.
This guide outlines how older people can save money on their energy bills, while staying warm and well.
This guide looks at the benefits available to older people and how they can get help with heating costs over winter.
Signpost the older people you support to Age UK's top tips for winter using the following web content and downloadable leaflet.
Winter can be tough at any age, especially during the cost-of-living crisis. In a recent Discover article, the Age UK Health Influencing team details how older people can be supported to stay well this winter.
This year, we've brought together a guide to best practice in system-working to sustain older people’s health through winter. The guide explores the opportunities of using population health approaches to reduce pressure on urgent and emergency health services, as well as looking at how services can support improved discharge, reduce readmissions, and roll out of urgent community response and virtual wards.
Download and read the guide (PDF, 3.2 MB)
For more information about the underlying drivers of hospital admissions, we've put together an evidence summary slide pack.
Our short animation looks at 4 different aspects of winter: keeping warm, saving money, staying healthy and mental health. You can share this video quickly and easily with the older people you support.
We have information and advice on a range of other topics – including housing, social care, legal affairs and driving. Visit our professionals homepage to find out more.