Age UK’s vision is a world where everyone can love later life
We know it won’t be easy getting there, but we believe it’s how things should be. With your help, we work every day to make it happen.
We know it won’t be easy getting there, but we believe it’s how things should be. With your help, we work every day to make it happen.
Our focus, more than ever, is on the older people who need us the most.
Too many older people are living in poverty or just above the poverty line. Too many find themselves without the care and support they desperately need. Too many have no one to turn to.
In the UK we help millions of people every year, providing support, companionship and advice. We are a strong voice, campaigning with and for older people to champion their rights, needs and wishes.
Find out more
The Age UK network is a partnership of independent charities which includes our national partners, over 120 local Age UKs, and hundreds of smaller organisations called Age UK Friends and Forums.
Our international subsidiary charity, Age International, works in over 30 developing countries. Age International is a member of the HelpAge global network and the Disasters Emergency Committee.
We’ll make the most difference to the most disadvantaged older people through effective campaigning and influencing, underpinned by policy work and research.
We’ll reach out to older people, their carers, and their families, to support them with the impartial, personalised, and expert information and advice they need.
We’ll enable older people to have access to high quality, locally available services that address their health and care needs, provided by the Age UK network.
We’ll deliver wellbeing programmes that have a big impact on wellbeing and provide long-term benefit to the Age UK network’s services.
We’ll secure a strong and enduring local presence of Age UKs and other community organisations to deliver the support and opportunities that local older people need.
Through Age International, Age UK’s international charity, we'll focus on the needs and rights of older people in some of the world’s poorest countries.
227,805 enquiries
We answered 204,119 enquiries to the Age UK Advice Line
£5 million
We provided £5 million in emergency cost-of-living funding to local Age UKs and our national network partners
8.4 million visits
We received 8.4 million visits to the information and advice pages on our website
Learn more about what we achieve for older people each year, how we much we raise and how much we spend.
Want to know more about what we do for older people? Contact our friendly team - we'll be happy to help.