Measuring Impact
Measuring Impact - Demonstrating and celebrating the difference made to the lives of older people.
Download: Steps to Measuring Impact (PDF)
The Steps to Measuring Impact - practical guide has been developed as part of Age NI participation in the Inspiring Impact NI pilot initiative programme to champion, promote and support greater understanding of impact practice in the work of the age sector. The resource aims to help age sector groups apply and embed the practice of measuring impact.
Measuring Impact is the process of recognising the difference that your activity/service/group, makes to the lives of the older people who use it. There are many resources available to support this practice and a range of models to enable you to demonstrate your impact (
Impact measurement activity can utilise a cycle of impact practice: how to plan for the desired impact, identify how to measure it, collect measurement data, make sense of that information, learn from it and, finally, communicate the results. Examples of how this has been used by Age NI and Age Sector groups are included in the ‘Steps to Measuring Impact’ guide above.
Age NI are encouraging groups to get involved in processes of impact planning to demonstrate and celebrate the difference that they make to the lives of older people across Northern Ireland.
Inspiring Impact NI video: Getting the Balance Right
Think Smarter, Think Together, Think Impact. This animation from Inspiring Impact NI summarises some of the challenges faced and potential solutions in relation to capturing the impact of Government investment in voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in Northern Ireland.