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Age NI’s statement regarding the Chancellor’s announcement to means testing Winter Fuel Payment

Published on 30 July 2024 01:51 PM

Age NI is extremely concerned about the impact means testing the Winter Fuel Payment might have on older people across NI.  

This is particularly concerning for those older people just about managing on a moderate but limited income, who are not eligible for Pension Credit.  The majority of older people are on a fixed income and for many, this payment is a lifeline and something they depend on to keep their homes warm during the cold winter months.   

Age NI Charity Director, Paschal McKeown, comments: 

“There are 36,000 older people in Northern Ireland living in relative poverty and 22,000 in absolute poverty. We strongly oppose the means-testing of Winter Fuel Payment as this measure would have a disastrous impact on the lives of older people who are already struggling.   

Despite older people being entitled to a range of means tested benefits designed to increase their income, many do not claim because they are not aware they are eligible for benefits, meaning many will miss out on this crucial payment. In 2020, the Department for Communities estimated that the take-up rate for pension credit is 72%, meaning around 24,000 people who would be eligible are not claiming. 

Older people on low incomes have to make difficult choices about how to stretch limited resources, such as whether to eat or to heat their home.  They are already struggling to cover essential energy and living costs and are not in a position to meet unexpected expenses. People living with a disability or ill-health, or who provide care for loved ones, are likely to have higher energy and other costs and will, therefore, experience even greater financial pressures. 

We also know the detrimental impact living in a cold home can have on health, such as increased risk of respiratory infections, heart attacks and stroke, so this is a decision that could potentially affect an older person’s health as well as their finances, which will inevitably lead to increased pressures on our health service. Means testing the Winter Fuel Payment, with virtually no notice and no mitigating measures in place may mean that older people will face further hardship and we strongly call on the UK Government to think again.  We also continue to call on the NI Executive to ensure addressing poverty in later life is identified as a priority in Programme for Government.


Last updated: Jul 30 2024

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