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Cold Weather Payment

Many of us worry about rising fuel costs, but not heating our homes properly puts us at risk of cold-related illnesses such as pneumonia.

If you have reached Pension Credit age (the minimum age at which you qualify for the benefit), or receive certain benefits, you can get extra money to help you in winter.

Cold Weather Payment

If the average temperature in your area has been, or is expected to be, 0ºC (32ºF) or below for seven days in a row between November and March, you should get a payment of £25 a week.

Can I claim it?

You should automatically receive a Cold Weather Payment if you get Guarantee Pension Credit. Contact the Northern Ireland Pension Centre if you think you should have received a Cold Weather Payment but didn’t.

Age NI Advice Service

Every year our Advice Service deals with thousands of calls from older people in need. Call us today to make sure that you are receiving all the help and support available to you.

Call freephone 0808 808 7575
Monday - Friday 9am – 5pm 


Last updated: Jul 03 2024

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