Many of us find that as we get older we start to think more about where we live. Whether it's moving in with family, renting, or sheltered housing, there are lots of different options.
Home help services offer assistance with things like bathing, dressing and respite care to give you or your carer a break.
Being financially secure can help you stay in your home for longer. Follow these steps to boost your income in retirement.
This can seem ideal if you need support, want to spend more time with your grandchildren, or need to downsize.
Your rights as a tenant will depend if you're renting from your local council, a housing association or a private landlord.
Retiring to another country is a big decision, do as much research as possible before leaving the UK.
If you want to live independently but somewhere easier to manage, sheltered, or retirement housing could appeal to you.
If you need more personal care than sheltered housing can give you, moving to a care home could be an option.
Every year our Advice Service deals with thousands of calls from older people in need. Call us today to make sure that you are receiving all the help and support available to you.