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Advocacy Counts

Advocacy Counts 9

Advocacy Counts 9 is the latest report in a biennial series of surveys conducted by Age Cymru. It provides an updated snapshot of advocacy provision in Wales for adults, with a particular emphasis on older people. 

The overall numbers of people supported, paid advocates and services funded to deliver advocacy across Wales have all decreased since the last survey was reported in 2022. There has been a small increase in the number of advocacy services specifically for older people and a significant increase in the number of volunteer advocates working in a variety of advocacy services across Wales.

Age Cymru is pleased to note the increase in the number of specialist advocacy services for older people, whilst concerned at the lower number of organisations and paid advocates specifically supporting older people. The overall reductions in wider support that older people could access is also concerning, resulting in fewer opportunities for older people to access advocacy services focusing on early intervention, prevention, and community-based advocacy.

Advocacy Counts 9


Last updated: Sep 06 2024

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