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Age Cymru welcomes the new Digital and Data Strategy for Health & Social Care in Wales but urges caution – 27 July 2023

Published on 27 July 2023 04:28 PM

Following the Welsh Government’s announcement of a refreshed digital and data strategy for health and social care in Wales, Age Cymru welcomes innovations to support people to manage their health, medical appointments, and prescriptions which will be beneficial for many thousands of older people in Wales. However, we want assurance that those older people who don’t have online access are not left behind. 

With almost a third of people aged 75 or over being digitally excluded and a range of reasons why people aren't online, such as the digital infrastructure not being available, the cost of being digital and the lack of basic digital skills.  

There is a risk that a two-tier system will be created and will alienate a proportion of the older population who aren’t online or digitally literate. There is a significant number of older people in Wales who are reliant on using traditional methods of integrating with society.  

Our 2022 Annual Survey of people aged 50 or over in Wales, highlighted a frustration among respondents of society becoming over-reliant on online information, this is exacerbated by a perceived lack of effort by service providers to ensure that information is available through different means and accessible for everyone. 

Older people have told us that they feel disadvantaged in access to health care if they are not able to use digital technology. Particularly for older age groups, digital exclusion can mean that equality of access is not there, and providers need to consider how communication is enabled with those that are digitally excluded.   

Chief Executive, Victoria Lloyd said: “Age Cymru welcomes the announcement of the strategy to establish a whole system approach to delivery better quality care for everyone in Wales.  

“This is important innovation for the future; however, we urge everyone involved in the strategy to ensure that no older people are left behind due to not being online. We have seen a rise in cases of older people not being able to access services due to being digitally excluded. Alternative methods of communication and access continue to be vital to ensure inclusion for all.”  

Notes to Editor:   

Digital and data strategy for health and social care in Wales -   


Last updated: Jul 27 2023

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