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Frequently asked questions

Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked frequently about leaving a gift to Age Cymru that you will hopefully find useful. Our legacy team is also available to answer any other questions you may have.

Why should I leave a gift to Age Cymru in my will?

Every year we receive around half of our voluntary income from kind supporters who have remembered us with a gift in their will. These gifts play a vital role in funding our work to help older people with the challenges they face in later life, ensuring they receive the help and support they need. Much of the work we do today is only possible due to supporters remembering us in this way and we are very grateful for this incredibly generous support.

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Why should I make a will?

Having an up-to-date will helps ensure that your wishes can be carried out and money and belongings will go to the people and causes you care about. A legally valid will can also protect those left to sort out your estate from confusion, difficulties and added stress at a time when they least need it. If you don't make a will, in legal terms you will die 'intestate' and your estate may not go to the people you intended.

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What do I need to consider when making a will?

Writing a will needn’t be a complicated process – it’s all in the preparation. We have lots of practical information available about making a will that will guide you through the process step by step.

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What will it cost to write my will?

Writing a will is not as expensive as you might think. Solicitors can provide estimates on request, but the cost will depend on how complex your affairs are. It’s best to telephone a few solicitors to compare the services that they offer and their fees.

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Where can I find a solicitor?

We’re unable to recommend a particular solicitor and suggest that you contact the Law Society who can provide details of solicitors in your area, including those who specialise in wills and probate. We always recommend that a will should be drafted by a qualified professional, such as a solicitor, as their businesses are regulated by law.

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Can Age Cymru provide help with writing my will?

We’re very happy to give general advice about writing a will and leaving a gift to Age Cymru. We have lots of practical information available, so please contact us for further information.

We would always recommend that you contact a legal professional, such as a solicitor, for legal advice relevant to your own circumstances.

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What types of gifts can I leave Age Cymru?

You can choose to leave a residuary gift (a share of your estate after taxes and debts have been paid), a pecuniary gift (a fixed sum of money) or a specific gift (a named item, such as a painting or stocks and shares). Whatever the value of your gift, it will go a long way to help someone who needs us.

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Do I have enough money to leave a gift in my will to Age Cymru?

Every gift we receive from our supporters – small or large – is important to us, and contributes towards the work of Age Cymru. Even a small percentage of your estate can make a big difference to Age Cymru, whilst safeguarding both your intentions and your loved ones' interests.

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Can I add a gift to Age Cymru in my existing will?

If you already have a will and you want to include a gift to Age Cymru in it, there may not be need to rewrite it. You can ask a qualified professional such as a solicitor to add an amendment (called a codicil). As a general rule, if the change you wish to make is quite small or simple, you can use a codicil, and if the change is more significant or complex you should make a new will.

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Should I let Age Cymru know

You don’t have to, but by letting us know you will allow us to say thank you for this wonderful gesture and to ensure we communicate with you appropriately in the future. We fully appreciate that your will is a private matter and anything you share with us will be kept confidential.

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I would like to leave a gift to Age Cymru, what are your details?

View our suggested wording for leaving a gift to Age UK in your will.

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Contact us

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about how you can help Age Cymru by leaving a gift in your will:

  • Call us:   029 2043 1555
  • Email:
  • Write to:   Age Cymru, Legacy team, Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff, CF24 5TD.

Where next?

  • How to leave a legacy

    Find out the types of gift you can leave and download our will planner and will amendment form.
  • Suggested wording

    This suggested wording will assist your solicitor in including your gift to our vital work.


Last updated: Aug 14 2018

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